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Posts about

Tech901 (6)

Student Highlight: Tecia Marshall

Over the summer, we will highlight a student weekly from our CompTIA A+ certification course at the...

Young Professionals Summit Brings Together Passionate Memphis Millennials to Address the City’s Challenges Head On

Mayor Luttrell’s Young Professionals Council hosted a recent summit to unite young professionals in...

Tech is Discovering Memphis!

Tech901 and the FedEx Institute of Technology offer tuition-free industry certifications Summer 2016

Tech901 President Robert Montague with David Rudd, President of the University of Memphis

Technology Happens in Memphis—How one company is crushing the standard for tech entrepreneurship in the Mid-South

Equating Memphis with emerging technological innovation might seem odd at first. In a city that’s...

Boys & Girls Club of Memphis Hosts Free Classes for High School Students to Get Started in an IT Career

Memphis-area young adults have been given a rare opportunity this November to get a head start in a...