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Tech901 Success: Meet Patrick Moerman

At Tech901, our mission is to build local tech talent while working with employers to increase the...

Briahna Chambers, Lead Instructor at Tech901: FACES of Memphis

Briahna Chambers, Lead Instructor at Tech901: FACES of MemphisMartha DavisBriahna Chambers is a...

Tech901 helps build skilled workforce in Memphis

Tech901 is changing the lives of their students within a matter of months sending them on a whole...

From Teacher to Tech Professional

Kelly Miller applied her engineering degree to her role as a teacher, but felt she could be doing...

TedxMemphis & Tech901

Tech901 Lead Instructor Briahna Chambers took the stage at TedxMemphis 2018 sharing her personal...

The Future of Tech IS Female: Careers in IT

As women of all ages make historical strides in a variety of fields, one particularly lucrative...