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STEM Careers (3)

Technology Happens in Memphis—How one company is crushing the standard for tech entrepreneurship in the Mid-South

Equating Memphis with emerging technological innovation might seem odd at first. In a city that’s...

A Career in Software Development Might Be Closer Than You Think

Are you smart and good at creative problem solving?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics Predicts an Optimistic Tech Job Outlook By 2020

Many high school students across the country are at the crossroads of career choice, deciding right...

Boys & Girls Club of Memphis Hosts Free Classes for High School Students to Get Started in an IT Career

Memphis-area young adults have been given a rare opportunity this November to get a head start in a...

The MidSouth’s Tech Resurgence: Tech Camp Provides Networking and Professional Development for Local Tech Enthusiasts

There’s a decided resurgence of all things tech in Memphis and part of that revival is Tech Camp, a...

Why Not Memphis? Tech901 Plans to Build a New Memphis Economy Through Technology

Robert Montague and Steve Denegri are serious about helping to build a new Memphis economy. So...