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2021 Rewind

Looking to upgrade your tech skills in 2022? Tech901 offers everything you'll need to augment your...

Travis White: The Second Half of Life

Travis White is a Summer 2021 Tech901 graduate who recently landed a job at the Memphis Zoo after...

4 Tech Skills Managers Should Have

4 Tech Skills Managers Should Have

Monét Marshall & Tecia Marshall: Celebrating Black Women In Tech

If you’re interested in jumpstarting your IT career, the time is near. Our 2022 Class Schedule is...

Paul Rogers II: From IT Student to Tech901 Instructor

Tech901’s newest instructor is also a Tech901 graduate. In just under a year, and in the middle of...

IT Apprenticeships and Upskilling the Future IT Workforce

The increasing demand for IT skilled employees is not new- the news has been full of stories about...