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Memphis Women Do Tech

If you're in the area and looking to join the tech industry, that's great! Tech901 provides adult IT training in IT Hardware, Networking, and Security. We also teach programming courses including our Code 1.0 offering. Join us for an upcoming class, or find out more about IT careers here

Here at Tech901, we know how important it is to get locals into the information technology industry. On average, salaries in tech are 121% to 270% higher than the average wage across US cities, and IT continues to hold strong as one of the largest growing job industries.  

There's plenty of opportunity, provided that people can get the training they need to get in the door. Unfortunately, the tech industry has suffered from a lack of diverse voices and perspectives in recent history. In the last few years however, the need for technologists with different backgrounds has become more and more apparent. 

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"Technology is a common language, and creating a more inclusive environment is not only a business decision, but an imperative." - Michelle Epps, CIO FedEx Freight and SVP IT


Our mission at Tech901 is to encourage diversity in the IT industry, and to close the economic gap here in Memphis. We know that technology careers can literally change lives, families, and local communities.

Good thing we aren't alone. 


Women Organize: the ATHENA{techne} Hackathon

This past weekend, Tech901 sponsored the Athena{techne] Hackathon- a two day programming event for women in the region.  

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Hosted by the FedEx Institute for Technology, the hackathon covered a variety of tech trends, and was conceived in order to "encourage women interested in the possibility of technology to come together, collaborate on projects, and compound (their) opportunities". 

Local IT leaders including Michelle Epps from FedEx and Tecia Marshall, the Chapter Lead for Black Girls Code attended the event and provided aspiring technologists with ample advice. 

"Who pops into your head when you imagine a technology leader?", Epps prompted the online audience in her key note address. Answers like Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos may be typical, but events like the hackathon are looking to encourage women in the future of IT.

Remarking on her own journey, Epps was quick to tell the women-focused audience: "if a door is open for you, take it".

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Although women make up over half of the college educated workforce, they only make up 28% of the STEM careers -Epps, Fedex

The event featured workshops on introductory HTML and CSS, as well as sessions on Robotics, STEAM career advice, and Blacksmithing. The hackathon sessions provided attendees with a wide variety of tech information in order to encourage women to pursue IT Careers that benefit from their unique strengths and passions.

Women Lead: Local IT Initiatives

If the Athena{techne} Hackathon mission sounds interesting, know that they aren't alone. Memphis is a growing technology hub, prompting large companies and start-ups alike to look to the Bluff City. In order to meet the demand locally, several non-profits have emerged in recent years to provide IT training.

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Tech901 serves adults in the Memphis area looking for new career opportunities in IT. We provide both hardware and programming training.

Addition organizations like Code Crew and Black Girls Code are invested specifically in the future of local women and people of color in programming and software development. 

These programs are focused on providing opportunities to people from non-standard backgrounds in IT. Providing opportunity to people from different economic backgrounds, races, and genders not only benefits the individual, but also the tech industry as a whole.

Memphis is a growing hotspot for IT education and careers, but more importantly: we're spearheading the move for IT inclusivity and innovation. 


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