At Tech901, we love getting to know our students on a personal level and we want to share their unique stories with our readers. This Fall, we will have three A+ classes full of students working towards their certifications. Enjoy the weekly highlights as we introduce you to our diverse and promising Tech901 students.
Meet Daniel Tacker, local artist and technology enthusiast.

Born and raised in the Memphis area, Daniel went away to Knoxville to study at the University of Tennessee where he received his BFA with a concentration in Media Arts. Currently, he is studying at the University of Memphis to attain his B.A. in Management Information Systems.
Employed at a Print Media Manufacturer and Pre-press Business here in Memphis, Daniel handles all sides of the commercial graphics world. He decided to take a Tech901 CompTIA A+ course to enhance his tech job skills and build his resume.
Did you know that 91% of employers prefer IT candidates who have certifications?
Daniel got involved with technology early in his life, a fan of figuring out how to operate and manipulate computers. "I remember owning my first desktop computer that was an Intel 286 and having to figure out how to use MS-DOS, there was no graphic interface like Windows yet," he shares. "I also remember subscribing to AOL for the first time and realizing the possibilities the Internet had. I was hooked after that."
Daniel loves attending Redbirds or Grizzlies games, local festivals and outdoor activites around town. Memphis may be known for the BBQ, but burgers rank pretty high on his list of favorite 901 foods. The top of his list? Huey's and Buckley's.
When he's not working his day job, Daniel takes pride in being a self-made mixed media artist. You can find his work on display year-round at South of Beale downtown. Check out his impressive collection on his website here or in person at this year's Cooper Young Festival.
Daniel Tacker Originals: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram